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An Atlantic Dream |
En unos días daremos todos los detalles, de como cualquier persona que lo desee pueda participar en este proyecto; o bien pujando por él, o difundiendo la información de este. Todas aquellas personas que amáis y sentís la música clásica; especialmente la Barroca, sabéis perfectamente de los altos costes que implica el mantenimiento de una orquesta de estas características; por esta razón reiteramos de nuevo todo vuestro apoyo e implicación en este proyecto. Sabemos que son tiempos difíciles y de carencias a casi todos los niveles, para desarrollar un proyecto de esta magnitud, pero deciros que inevitablemente, este momento nos ha tocado a nosotros y este es nuestro momento. Este es nuestro Sueño Atlántico.
¡Un saludo!

An Atlantic Dream & Baroque Spring, is an artistic and cultural project, that is born with the purpose of raising funds for the definitive consolidation and maintenance of the ATLANTIC BAROQUE ORCHESTRA. In some of the previous entries in this blog, we publish that is orchestra, agreed definitively, dispense with any type of public subsidy. Only we're going to have a single sponsor and partner of private nature; with which we have to find a way to devise and create useful alternatives and functional for the survival of this orchestra.
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Thank you very much Sophie, for doing it so well! |
In a few days will give you, all the details, as any person who wishes, can participate in this project; or well, bidding for it, or disseminate the information of this one. All those people that you feel, and you love classical music; especially the Baroque, you know perfectly well the high costs, which implies the maintenance an orchestra of these features; for this reason again, we reiterate all your support and involvement in this project. We know that these are difficult times and of lacks in almost all levels, to develop a project of this magnitude, but inevitably to say you, that this moment has touched us and this is our moment. This is our Atlantic Dream.